Naša posvećenost

Lekar i pacijent gledaju u tablet
Obećanje kompanije NephroCare

Terapija dijalizom može da ima značajan uticaj na kvalitet života pacijenata. Iz tog razloga jedan od naših ciljeva je pružanje podrške pacijentima da poboljšaju svoje zdravlje tako da mogu da nastave sa onim što im je najvažnije. Kao velika međunarodna mreža za pružanje usluga lečenja dijalizom, mi pružamo usluge lečenja dijalizom u više zemalja sveta.

NephroCare se obavezuje da će:

  • Osnažiti pacijente sa hroničnom bolešću bubrega kako bi im pomogli da imaju bolje sutra, postavljajući NephroCare kao pouzdanog partnera Ispuniti obavezu kompanije Fresenius Medical Care u stvaranju budućnosti vredne življenja za pacijente sa bolešću bubrega
  • Podržati prevenciju i usporiti napredovanje HBI
  • Obezbediti poboljšanu brigu o pacijentima sa bolešću bubrega na osnovu nacionalnih i međunarodnih smernica
  • Negovati blisku, transparentnu saradnju između nefrologa, bolnica, lekara, lekara opšte prakse, pružalaca usluga medicinske nege i pacijenata
  • Osnažiti pacijente sa hroničnom bolešću bubrega kako bi im pomogli da imaju bolje sutra, postavljajući NephroCare kao pouzdanog partnera za sve učesnike u sistemu zdravstvene nege.

Sistem vrednosti kompanije NephroCare predstavlja naše rešenje za uravnoteženje standardizovanih procesa i lokalnih zahteva za holističkim i potpuno međusobno povezanim sistemima lečenja bolesti bubrega, što omogućava izbor najpogodnijeg pristupa za svakog pacijenta u čitavoj našoj mreži.

Uključivanje pacijenata

Patient empowerment has a positive impact on patients’ emotional and physical well-being, and consequently, on their behaviour, satisfaction and treatment compliance.
We continuously interact with our patients to understand what matters to them and to support them in health-related topics:
• Introduction to dialysis
• Nutritional education
• Fistula care
• Staying active
• Holiday Dialysis Coordination

For more information please visit our patient section.

Klinička infrastruktura

A key way for us to provide standardised treatment in workflow-orientated settings is to design the best possible clinical pathways, with tailored facility layouts and quality dialysis fluids.
With our clinic infrastructure set-up we aim to facilitate proper hygiene, safety and optimized patient supervision.

Terapije, proizvodi i lekovi

With NephroCare, we are able to provide an optimal therapy mix - in center, at home, in hospitals - fitting to our patient population and the needs of healthcare systems.
For tailored therapies our patients benefit from our experience in patient-specific therapy prescriptions with our Fresenius Medical Care products and high-quality medicinal products.
You can benefit from our innovative products and technology – Your wellbeing and safety is always the highest priority.
For further information about our advanced products please refer to the Fresenius Medical Care website.

Lekari, medicinske sestre i specijalisti

Highly-motivated, -trained and -experienced physicians, nurses and specialists are key in renal patient care.
In a clinical setting, not only technology and medical expertise are essential. Our professionals also provide a human and emotional link with the patients.
Please see our treatment options for more information.

Upravljanje kvalitetom

To achieve the appropriate integration of these quality requirements into our structured processes.
A core element of our quality management system consists of corporate directives specifying key requirements for the processes in our NephroCare organisation, e.g. by setting standards for hygiene and infection control, good dialysis care, water, concentrate and dialysis fluid for haemodialysis and related therapies.

Klinički i operativni učinak

In order to provide sustainable and value-based healthcare, our multidisciplinary center teams of different professions come together to jointly manage our dialysis centers.
Monitoring tools support our professionals to measure the achievement of performance targets. It serves to guide continuous improvement.

Klinički informacioni sistem

No improvement without data. EuCliD®, NephroCare’s proprietary clinical management system provides comprehensive information of each dialysis treatment and patient, allowing the medical staff in the NephroCare centres to take the right decisions to improve the treatment for each individual patient.

It facilitates the day-to-day work of the clinical staff, integrating processes into the data collection flow.
Directly linked to the dialysis machines, the monitoring system feeds patient data and medical parameters from dialysis sessions into the data management system, which also checks the data for completeness and plausibility.

Ne zaboravite:
Svi podaci se prikupljaju uz strogo praćenje propisa o zaštiti ličnih podataka i čuvaju se anonimno kako bi se sprečila identifikacija pojedinačnih pacijenata.

Povezane teme

Fresenius Medical Care stalno razvija inovativne koncepte za održivu budućnost.

Misija i vizija, međunarodna mreža/mogućnosti i vrednosti kompanije za pružanje nege NephroCare u okviru kompanije Fresenius Medical Care.